Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Me, My Pops, and Dana
The blood in my veins...even though I don't see them hardly..ever, I still feel as if a day hasn't passed without seeing them.  Dad, you're awesome and I get you. I may hardly ever see you but you're always there for me. I get your life style and am glad that you are trying at happiness and livin your life to it's fullest. Just be happy and I'll be happy for you.
Sis, you're the greatest big sis ever. You've always had my back; encouraging me with every dream I brew up and shakin me back to reality when I get too crazy. I can't believe your a married lady now, but I'm happy for you because I've never seen you smile the way you smile around Dan-O. We all get wrapped up in our own lives and go great lengths of time without contact but blood is blood, it pumps through all our hearts and we share the same. We're always be there with eachother, even if we're miles apart.

Me and My Sister

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