Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yeah Yeah YEAAAH!!
Got me an appointment/ a chance to show off some of my work in hope of getting a tattoo apprenticeship.
I got good feelings about this.
I was going to show my portfolio to Kristy and she would point me in the right direction to an artist that would best fit my style but I just feel like I gotta do this on my own. She's my friend and someone I respect, so I don't want her holding me hand the whole way, and I would definitely feel more pride having accomplished this from my own hard work and methods. I've always wanted this as my career but never felt that I was good enough, that my style or my artwork wasn't there. I feel that I've gotten my shit together enough and my mind is out of the black hole for me to be able to take a stab at my dreams..I'm just not meant for school, everything that I've tried to go to school for falls out, some fluke always happens and I get turned in the complete opposite direction; but with this, everything is lining up. If this appointment falls out, I'm going to seek others.
Everything around us, the world we live in, was created by other people's I think I can give mine a shot

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